Click for AppleGuide online help Second cosine term in Fourier expansion of baseline Second sine term in Fourier expansion of baseline First cosine term in Fourier expansion of baseline First sine term in Fourier expansion of baseline Baseline tilt, centered on center of window Baseline Height Phase change in degrees/ppm, starting from 0 ppm Constant phase term If checked, defined baseline parameters for this window will be optimized in full-lineshape iteration If checked, the linewidth for this window will be optimized in full-lineshape iteration If checked, this window will be used in full-lineshape iteration Choose the manner in which experimental and calculated spectra are displayed together Click on the Select button to choose an experimental spectrum file to display with the calculated spectrum (Rotate the horizontal axis ? - not yet implemented) (Invert the horizontal axis ? - not yet implemented) Display assignments in the spectrum ? If checked, every hardcopy or clipboard copy will cause all parameters to be written to the Log file Display a baseline in the spectrum ? Display labels at the axes ? Display axes with the spectrum ? Display scaling info with the spectrum ? Display a title with the spectrum ? The horizontal plot size is calculated from SCALE, FROM and TO above, and is displayed for your information only If checked, absolute scaling will be used, and the vertical size (above) corresponds to 1 nucleus and a linewidth of 1 Hz Change the vertical plot size Change the low-field display limit. The SCALE will stay the same, and the horizontal SIZE will be adjusted Change the high-field display limit. If possible, the low-field limit (TO) will move by the same amount Change the horizontal plot scale. The horizontal SIZE (below) will be calculated from this number Natural linewidth for this window Choose one of the NMR-active nuclei in the system Activate these Plot Options Discard any changes to the Plot Options Select a set of sub-options Change the appearance of a spectrum